Day 12 – Cedeira to Espasante

For the night we stayed at the harbor of Cedeira nearby the maritim museum and between old ships. I am wondering, that people drive to sea with such kind of ships. Only a small cabin where most space is used for the engine.

After 28 kilometers we found a place for lunch with option for swimming and surfing. This location is on a peninsula with no bigger village at the bay of Enseada de Espasante.

Parking in Spain.
Surfing in Spain.

Later we drove to Espasante on the other side of the bay. You can see the location on the other side of the bay, but it is 30 kilometer to drive around.

Café Concerto …
… with live music.
An abandoned house at the beach.
Sitting at the sea front having some drinks.

For the night we stay in the harbor, of Espasante nearby the fishing boats.

Harbour of Espasante

Our neighbor for tonight is an old lady with her 40 year old Mercedes Benz camper van. Traveling with a camper van is some kind of passion.

Like almost every evening the sun says „good by“ with a glorious exit from the stage.

For dinner we went to the local bar „A Trapela“ in the harbor, eating fresh fish and drinking some beer. ;-).


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