Day 10 – up to Muxia

The whole morning we stayed at this lonely spot. Doing nothing useful, walking kilometers along the beach, sitting there and doing nothing or watching nature.

Playing boules with the neighbours.
Sitting and watching.
The root of a sea plant at the beach.
Small peaces of sea fern (red) on an other root. The part of the red plant is less than one centimeter large.
Is this a part of a mermaid tail?
To be honest, it is no plastic!
My bath room. No, I am not kidding you.
It is easier to connect a tube to the water tab and have a shower there than showering in the camper van.
Time to cook Paella for lunch.

Later in the afternoon we startet to drive to Muxia.

On the map you see the start and endpoint from today. We did not drove the way as shown in Google Maps. We took the road along the coast via Frixe and Queiroso.

One of the small villages along the road.

Later on we arrived at Muxia.

Muxia harbor at night.
It is getting a little bit stormy outside the harbor.

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