Day 6 – traveling

Today we are starting our last stage to get to Santiago de Compostela.

In the morning I try to get some internet connection to update my blog at

My workplace in the shadow.

Today we met Alfredo. He has a little bar (43°33’00.4″N 7°01’13.9″W) above a small and hidden beach, nearby Figueras (the small one at the Atlantic sea, not the one nearby the border to France) , offering cool drinks and great Pinchos. He told us, that is also possible to stay at this location with the camper car for one night. I will remember this and come back in some weeks.

Oxygeno bar (43°33’00.4″N 7°01’13.9″W)
Beer for Lunch, like the locals.
Do you want to play table soccer?

After 1.875 km we arrived at Santiago de Compostela. It takes five days driving by almost ordinary road and one resting day.

… only 2 km left to go.

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